Monday, December 18, 2006

Cutie Patoote Photo Purses!

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Thank you for reading the funniest, cutest, wittiest and prettiest blog in the whole wide world! I would like to thank my sponsor for making all of these blogs possible. Without them my mouth would be parched from the lack of latte’s and thus I could not type. Please visit their site for more of my decorating, crafty, baking and how to live life tips. And now our feature blog-entation!!!!

Call me crazy…most people do….I decided with little thought and big ambition that I was going to make all of my Christmas gifts this year. Well after consultations with the sewing guru’s I call, “My mom,” “Nick’s Mom” and “Milan’s mom,” changing my design twice and going $200 over budget, I finally got the ball rolling in creating the first of many project, “Cutie-Patootie photo purses” for my nieces.

Now don’t read me the wrong way. (Illiteracy is such a tragedy!) I enjoyed every stitch of time in creating these purses. I believe that to artfully create a unique piece of work that you must truly love the journey in creating it. I like to make everything fun. Out of the ordinary is always good too. I mean I got to do my yoga stretches while working on the easel I call my bedroom carpet. And, while not only gaining valuable sewing advice from the several women who helped me out, I got to sit and absorb their wise life advice at many a dining room table.

Now for what you all have been waiting for…. The recipe for the, “Cutie-Patootie Photo purses.” Make them with care, time and they will look like little pieces of sunshine!


You need:

1 denim purse
3 cute fabrics of your choice for the flowers
1 yellow fabric for the center of your flowers
Sewing Machine
Flower template
Transfer paper
Green Ribbon
Leaf buttons
Magic Stitch (fabric glue)

First step: Create a flower template that is about 3 inches in diameter with a 1 inch circle in the middle.

Second step: Trace the flower pattern to the fabric leaving ¼ of an inch for slits. Cut out the middle circle leaving ¼ inch for slits. Magic Stitch the ends back so they don’t fray.

Third step: Select cute pictures that you want to place in the flowers. Cute poses will add some flavorful spice! Size the pictures to fit inside the flowers. Make sure you reverse the image on the computer. When you iron it on the fabric it will reverse sides.

Fourth step: Take the transfer paper and put it in your printer. Press print and voila, you have images on transfer paper! You are so cool!

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Fifth step: Iron the yellow fabric to remove moisture. Cut out the pictures on the transfer paper separately (to save fabric.) Place the transfer image face down on the fabric. Iron for about 30 seconds. Remove backing.

Sixth step: Cut out images to be placed in the center and sew them to the flower.

Seventh step: Sew the entire piece to the purse. Carefully maneuvering around the petals

Eighth step: Magic Stitch the green ribbon to the flower. Curving it to give it a “stem like” figure. Sew petal beads to the edge of the ribbon.

Ninth step: Look back and applaud what a fine and creative chic you are!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Throwing your own Birthday Party Ettiquette !

My Birthday Bash….

So I almost didn’t celebrate my birthday this year. I know, seriously that’s like a leprechaun saying, “Bah Humbug” to St. Patrick’s day. I was going to play it cool like a stiletto wearing, prada bag carrying, skinny chic that is too cool to celebrate her birthday past 21 years old. Then I realized I am a sandal wearing, canvas bag covered in eclectic pins carrying, senorita who IS the epitome of “cool!” I am so glad I came to my senses because my 24 th birthday was like a Disney movie, colorful, creative and I didn’t want it to end! Here’s how it went down…

Hostess with the mostess ….

Unfortunately, my apartment, quaint and cozy as it is is not exactly entertaining material. I mean there are mini vans bigger than my living room. However, I found a classy Mexican food restaurant in Laguna Beach with amazing Pineapple martinis called Las Brisas. I thought it would be nice to add a personal touch to the dining table with cutesy little parting gifts. And I came up with “Madam Irvina’s Fortune Baggie’s” They are so cute! Am I clever or what??? This is how they are done:

You need:

*Hole puncher


*Miniature paper bags


*Scalloped scissors

*Colored pencils



*Your wit

To make:

1.) Pre cut pretty ribbons 5 inches in length

2.) Pre cut 1x1 squares with scalloped scissors

3.) Write “You…” on one side of the squares

4.) On the opposite side and the opposite end (so it flips over) write a cute saying like, “You....will be a hot mom!” “You….will marry a man who knows how to make homemade ice cream.”

5.) Crease the flap of the bags and hole punch over the crease

6.) Place two chocolate covered strawberries inside

7.) Slip the ribbon through the hole and the “You” card.

8.) Tie in a knot and voila! You have “Madam Irvina’s Fortune Baggie’s.”

They were a big hit! The girls savored these while they told funny “Irvina’s crazy and this is why” stories J

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Words of Wisdom…

You know how they say, “No one likes a tipsy bride.” I say likewise with the birthday hostess. Not that I was under the table drunk (What do you think I am 23?) It’s just hard to hostess everyone when you are half a beat slow from sipping. You catch me? Oh well, wisdom for the next 60 birthday parties to come. Next time I’ll save the martinis for post party unwinding with a few of the girls.

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It seriously has been the best birthday! I’ll never forget playing G.I. Joes with my nieces and nephews on my actual birthday night. I got to debut G.I. birthday girl; she was quite literally “the bomb.” Listening to my sister Kim reminisce that I looked like a hairy little monkey when I was born. Sweet, sweet sister she is. Opening the gift from my boss, The Cricut. (For those unrefined, non-scrap bookers out there who actually have a life, The Cricut just happens to be the biggest, baddest scrap booking toy ever!) Getting a message from my friend Will the following weekend saying, “We’re throwing you a party tonight for your birthday and uh it would be nice if you were here.” To getting a half fallen on the floor birthday cake from my friend Jackie. The three second rule applies to birthday cakes right?

Now here is a deep thought…(Oprah, you’ll like this J)Birthdays are simply a reflection of life. It’s better with close friends, delicious food, laughing hysterically and being delightfully surprised by all the gifts that come your way!


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Big, Fat, American, Thanksgiving!


My Big, Fat, American Thanksgiving!


After one cute call from my niece, asking me if I would help her talk her parents into buying her a camera for Christmas. One reminder call from my brother-in-law, telling me my drink is getting warm and to get on the road because there is traffic. Three prayers for no fatalities on the 15 South and driving an hour and a half while making up stories in my head where all the cars around me were going, I arrived at Thanksgiving dinner at my sisters house.


My cute little family, all 30 of them! Nieces, nephews, sisters, half-sisters, brothers-in-law, my mom, my half sisters dad (my mom’s ex-husband,) his wife, her kids, her kids kids…just one big American family eh? Well it’s what I call “My Big, Fat American Thanksgiving.” It’s pretty crazy that we can all have a good Thanksgiving dinner together considering the scenario. My mom call’s our family, “Happily Divorced.” To say the least.


How did we do it? My hostess with the mostess sister Amy, the “Rachel Ray” worshiping, wine connoisseur, makes throwing a party for 30 look as easy as eating two servings of pumpkin pie. Here’s how she did it:


Reservation for a Party of 30….

We’re loud people who like to laugh and be with each other. In our family, every joke is so good you don’t want to miss it.  Knowing this my sister wanted to keep us together. She took her dining room table and lined up 3 other long tables side by side. She alternated the table cloths two gold and two ivory. There were 6 settings on the long sides and 4 on the short sides. Everyone could see each other and yet still be intimate with the people next to them.


Comfortable conversation couches…

 Have you heard of the color personalities? Well if you ever have or you ever do my sister Amy is a blue. She is all about having conversation with people and connecting. You can totally tell by her affection for couches. She has four sets in her home. Every where you go is an opportunity to sit down and chat.


Sleepy sisters….

Okay so one minute I’m playing poker and partying with the family, the next minute I am passed out. Maybe too much tryptophan in the turkey or one too many shots of Patron with my brother in law, maybe it’s being over worked at (no it couldn’t be that.) Whatever it was I was bloody tired. Good thing my sis has more than a couple sleeper sofas in her house. I woke up bright eyed and cheery ready, to get dogged by my family in the morning for not being able to “hang.” Hey there’s always next weekend.


When it comes to holiday entertaining, I’ve found that people beat themselves up until their running around like a head less turkey over the way things are “supposed to look” or the way their family is “supposed to be.” My family is incredibly unique, so who’s to say our entertaining shouldn’t be unique also. Think of what you want from your holidays and just do it. Is it seeing everyone at once at the dinner table? Having a comfortable place to chat in every room of your house? Having your entire family over for a sleep over? Whatever it may be, the thing to remember is each and every one of the people at your dinner table is there for a reason. It might not always look normal, but really how fun is normal? It’s your family which is far better than any fake bunch of models posing in Martha Stewart’s magazine next to plastic pumpkin pies. Besides those people don’t look very funny at all. By the way, whoever said once you become a mom you have to wear a sweater vest for every special occasion? Bad call!








Thursday, November 16, 2006

How to keep the good vibes coming in your home....

Earlier this summer I was diagnosed, “H.S.P.” Of course I assumed it meant Happy Sophisticated Princess, but besides the obvious it means something else. H.S.P. is a Highly, Sensitive Person. I feel, hear and sense more than the average person. Absorbing the emotions of people around me I am more sensitive to my environment. It’s funny because I have been noticing how I feel when I enter different people’s homes. Some homes put me completely at ease as if their sofas was a log in the middle of Fern Gully. In other homes I instantly feel sadness as if I just heard about another 3 fallen soldiers I Iraq. The sadness lingers until I leave. It’s not as if one home has more lavish furnishings than the other. It’s the sense of peace or lack there of that I noticed.

I did some pondering while sitting on the chenille fabric couch I like to call my office. I thought about the homes that I love to visit and never want to leave. Besides the ambiance of a beautiful Cherry wood dining room set what makes these homes send me such a warm and inviting aroma?

Think about Starbucks for a second. What makes people stay in there for hours and hours at a time instead of hanging out inside of a McDonald’s? I think a lot of it has to do with the positivity that is coming in and out of Starbuck’s. They are brewing fresh coffee all day, they spend more relaxed time connecting with their customer and there is usually a slow paced lyrical tune playing. All of these components require the visitor and the host to give emit positive energy. I believe that each one of these quality elements has overlapped on the last and has created a soothing environment. A person who visits Starbuck’s is usually in a good state of mind to be treating themselves to an almost $4 cup of coffee. While the people who go into McDonald’s are scrimping to save and are in a hurry. Anxiety stays in McDonald’s all day long.

So you’re following my drift wood right? It’s all the little actions all day, all week all year that create the energy of a home. Take a look at my friend Judie’s house. Every time I enter it, I feel endorphins going off all over my body. I asked myself, “What goes on in that home all week?” What I know for sure is no matter what day of the week it is Judie always greets people with a hug. She often cooks homemade recipes for her husband, grandchildren and friends. The grandchildren she loves come over to play a couple times a week. There are always fresh flowers in sight and she is constantly praying to God. I believe what makes Judies home an intoxicatingly happy place to be is the combustion of the mass amount of positive energy set off by her daily acts of kindness.

Then there’s my other girlfriend (whose name we won’t mention because after everyone reads my blog I’m going to have my own show and this article is going to be considered one of the best home therapy articles of the 21st century.) Her house is down right drab. I’m sorry but it’s true, besides the comfortable sectional sofa and the other lavish wood furnishings her home has a chill that would make an igloo look like a cabana in Hawaii. I watched her family interact within the home. I found them watching a lot of television and when they converse it’s usually something sarcastic. She makes home made meals solely because her children need to eat. Not for the sake of doing something for someone she loves. Sadly, as much as I care for my girlfriend I usually get so overwhelmed by the frigidness that I have to leave pretty quickly. (I can’t write blogs if I’m bummed out now can I?)

Now you might think this whole, “energy thing” is a little too spooky and has nothing to do with a rooms “looky.” Come on! Give a blogging girl chance! Think about it, what happens when a happy person smiles at you? Be honest! You feel happy and in turn you give away the happiness. Every action we do require energy. If you are constantly taking your time to “smile” at your home by praying over it, making home made dinners with fine ingredients for the ones you love or even polishing the wood furniture with love then that positive energy will accumulate and make your home an inviting house. Think of your home as a relationship with a person. Every kin action you do with “the person” builds a stronger, happier relationship. I hope you take my theory to heart and make your home ooze with positive energy from your front door to your bedroom set.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Deorating the bachelorette pad!

I am an official woman. Meaning, coffee no longer tastes like tar. I haven’t been asked to leave a movie theatre for “disturbing the peace” in over 5 years. I can end a relationship without toilette papering the guys house. And, having a couple drinks with my girlfriends does not result in waking up on the pier with a missing shoe and a new puppy in my purse. Yes, the road to sophistication has been intense and emotional. Now, that I’m here I am ready to graciously take the reins of my life with full force. But, before I go anywhere the palace I reside in has to be in savvy shape!

Bedroom Beauty-

Personally, I’m a roommate kind of gal. I need other gals in my house to remind me that the creak in the middle of the night isn’t the armed murderer their looking for on CNN. Yet, having a lot of commotion does call some of us retreat to our rooms. Making your room a V.I.P.T.C. (Very, important, place, to, chill.) The most important thing we purchase for our rooms is going to be our bedroom set. Might as well purchase the bed, night stands and dresser all at once and get it over with and back to that new flourless brownie recipe. Whether or not you get a Queen bedroom set, a King Bedroom set or a double is completely up to you. Try not to worry too much on what you purchase. If you invest in a nice set you can keep it as a bedroom set when you decide to get married. Splurge on yourself! Who knows when you’re going to meet that lucky guy and “if” you choose to marry him. My favorite styles are dark wood bedroom sets, contemporary bedroom sets and natural wood bedroom sets. I “Irvinafy” them with bright linens and happy pillows.

Living room Lassie-

Clear your schedule because it’s “Girls Night!” Girl’s night meaning your living room furniture is the happenin’ spot for hors douvres, red wine and maybe some sophisticated Jell-O shots Jso your living room should be chic and ready to entertain. We’re friends so let me be honest with you, a torn up sofa with masking tape holding it together is grunge. FYI, grunge went out of style in 1998, girl, it’s 2006. If you’re going for affordable try the Westwood Sectional. It’s totally customizable with over a thousand different fabric swatches to choose from. If you are doing really well in your college educated profession you might try a leather living room set. Perfect for dusting off any crumbs that might be dropped during uncontrollable laughter.

Dining room Diva-

Did someone say, “Dinner Party?” Hooray! I have been wanting to taste test my new recipe for Pumpkin Soup on 10 people! Since the Living Room has been blessed as holy grounds for Girls Night we should probably move things into the dining room for the dinner party. First thing you need is a table and tables aren’t clicky they like to be accompanies by chairs. You’ll need a dining room set with a long table and beautiful chairs. Most sets seat up to 8, but you can add in the leaf that comes with it and make the table for 10. A sophisticated dining room set totally sets the tone for an occasion and your home.

Be the beacon of good taste and show your friends how real women combine class with decorating sass! I hope you enjoyed my tips. It was great talking to you. Call me when you want to talk again. Till then Ciao bellas! If you are interested in anymore tips please visit:

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Decorating tips for a bachelor:

Decorating tips for a bachelor:

I love going to a bachelor pads! It cracks me up how different guys are about “their space.” From the gentleman who wants my opinion, “If I had a white sofa with Tahoma blue pillows that would look pimp right? Or would it look too nautical?” To the momma’s boy who proudly exclaims, “My mom decorated! Have you seen her picture? She’s beautiful!”

Metro-sexual, straight, gay, surfer dude to the collector of 18th century nudes…generation Y2K’ ers are bound to be bachelors for quite some time. Statistics show that generation Y2K prolongs pursuing a focused career, post pone marriage until after 30 and will invest in property before their 26th birthday. Meaning many bachelors are going to be all alone scratching and sniffing wood, trying to figure out the difference between a Mahogany wood bedroom set and a Cherry wood bedroom set. Lucky for you, Mr. Bachelor, the nice chaps at are bribing me with lattes and compliments to share my memoirs of bachelor pad traveling. I’ve seen the tastefully good ½ living room ½ basketball court, the sadly bad cigar smelling recliner and the always appropriate sandalwood potpourri. Some of you find decorating as easy as opening a door for a pretty lady, the rest are dumbfounded the same way you don’t understand why women consider ice cream a food group (it’s calcium I tell you!) Don’t be afraid, I’ll pimp your pad and you’ll have chicks offering to be your maid!

The Living Room is like a car….

It should suit your style, be a quality product and most importantly it should go vroom vroom! Meaning it should look so good that other people will want it the moment they lay eyes on it (the way the dudes in the next building look at your 7 series eh?) Most bachelor entertaining will take place in the living room. Making your selection of sofas, loveseats, sectionals and entertainment sets a stock market important one. Depending on your hobbies you can make your selections easier. If you’re a big sports fan, then a leather sectional would be appropriate. Keeping your guests entertained around the T.V. and having leather in case of touchdown excitement party fouls. If leather isn’t your game plan, then the Westwood Sectional with over 1000 fabric swatches will cater to you. If you’re a Great Gatsby type who throws dinner parties then perhaps a sofa set with a love seat and ottoman would better suit your sophisticated taste. Do you smell that? I think your medallion cut filet mignon’s are ready.

The Bedroom is like a watch….

It should look good, be comfortable and classy! Seriously now, your looking for a watch. What kind of band do you prefer? Leather band guys like it all natural, you might like a Birch wood bedroom set with a refined finish that leaves the grain of the wood visible. Steel wrist band? It’s all about the way it functions to you. You’ll be happy with a Queen Bedroom set from You’ll be able to view over 500 bedroom sets from classical to contemporary and have it delivered to your home in 2 to 4 weeks! If that isn’t as precise as the clock striking 5 o’clock on a Friday, I don’t know what is. Now, for you silver banded chaps. Beacons of good taste you are. You’ll want to show your class with a dark wood bedroom set. Maybe even a contemporary bedroom set. Just remember bachelors, how a watch can make a “slob” look like “a hands on man.” A bedroom set can make a “pig sty” look like an “elegant mess.”

The Dining Room is like a girl….

It should be beautiful, smart and have some personality! Dinner parties, movie watching or football cheering if you have the wrong girl by your side it can make the party go to hangover all too fast. The same way not having the right furniture to entertain guests comfortably at your pad. Let’s face it were not in college anymore, it’s time to invest in a beautiful dining room set that won’t topple over when you put a six pack on it. There are thousands of styles at that will suit the most discriminating eyes. From leather back chairs dining room set to classic dining room sets. Like a girl their all beautiful and has the hottest selection.

Alright guys my pearls of wisdom have been given away for free. I think you guys should consider them like Taco Tuesdays. Good for you, fun and a great way to entertain the ladies. It’s time for my second latte. Ciao!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

How to have Christmas without leaving your home and saving time....

The 12 days of Christmas (revised):

12 Christmas cards for giving, 11 twinkling lights for replacing, 10 relatives for shopping, 9 dozen cookies for baking, 8 Sweaters for dry cleaning, 7 nativity characters, 6 Trips to the mall, 5 letters to Santa, 4 parties for attending, 3 wreaths for hanging, 2 Christmas recitals and 1 tinseled Tree! Ahhh.... so joyful are the days prior to Christmas.

Are you joyfully joking!?! Pardon me, but not everyone is capable of knitting matching sweaters for the family and pet Chihuahua while you sit in traffic on the 405 freeway. If only we were all Martha's with the time to churn our own butter from the cow outside our house for Christmas cookies. Thank goodness I'm no pessimist!

Lucky for you, Santa and I are gym buddies. (Yeah, he works out at the 24 hour in Irvine. No, I don’t know why. But, it might be because I’m so amusing and tell him “good girls” don’t like skinny guys.) Anyway, Santa gave me the magic fairy dust of Christmas 2 years ago. You ready here it! No joke, it’s how Santa himself does a lot of his business. After you read the below you too will consider on line shopping/ordering/reserving/developing/arranging to be the most enchanted way to have Christmas. Just sprinkle and repeat.

To use: Say the magic words below and type!

Rudolf the red nose reindeer didn’t have to pay for gas mileage!

When you add up the cost of gas, your lunch at the mall, the cost of the fender bender in the parking lot and the cost of the gift you bought at the mall... We're talking $500 for a John Mayer CD. Save yourself the woes and instead perfect your red wrapping bows! Shop on line for all of your gifts. Detailed pictures and on line sales are the best things since eggnog lattes.

Deck the halls with Free Delivery fa la la la la la la la!

Years of fabulous entertaining have done a number on your sofa. So you're going to replace the sofa and get a new bedroom set for the guest house. Of course you have plenty of time to shop and arrange for delivery. Using you do! No other furniture retailer provides a variety of sofas and bedroom sets ranging from classical bedroom sets to contemporary dining room sets. Friendly assistance, 24 hour customer service, high resolution images and a fabulous site to navigate through. Redecorating never looked so rewarding. Not only will your house be updated, but it will be done in less than 30 minutes. Free delivery on most of the merchandise allows you to kick back and finish knitting that scarf for Aunt Bebe.

Jingle all the way, preparing Christmas dinner shouldn’t take all day!

No, this does not require a microwave! Get on line and place a catering order through The Honey baked Ham store, Bristol Farms, Gelson's, your local restaurant or super market. Most caterers offer fully roasted and stuffed turkeys with all the side dishes. You will have so much free time that you will be able to help make your daughter make that ginger bread house sparkle! Will make you almost all will deliver to your home the day of your party!

Silent Night, A very cold night, hanging Christmas Lights, oh what a fright!

Just Google “Christmas light hangers” and you will find a list of companies that will send out their elves to jump on your roof and hang your Christmas lights. A majority of these companies have installers who are18 to 20 year old boys who are home from college trying to make a couple of bucks. So while you’re making some extra time for yourself you are also feeding starving students.

Not a creature was stirring, not even a computer mouse!

By December 26 you need a massage and a batch of peppermint Vikatin cookies. Don’t let your time saving stop post Christmas. Get your memories from Christmas morning back faster than your five year old can rip through wrapping paper. Using you can upload your memories and have them mailed to you in 3 days. You don’t risk losing the digital files at the developer and you never waste the gas getting there.

It all comes down to quality, not quantity. Sometimes it’s best to pick and choose the traditions we most cherish and take some help with the others. I love the smell of the fresh pine in our living room, reading through Christmas cards and my mom’s Crepe’s Christmas morning. I do know from past experience that when I am exhausted I don’t fully enjoy all that the season has to offer. I hope you use these tips to make time for yourself to enjoy your family and spend the time cheerfully humming through what you cherish most.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Tips on moving for my Nomad's.....

Moving….ugh!!! And I’m not talking boots! Why can’t it be like the Oregon Trail ya know? Hitch up the ponies throw in your two dresses, a canteen of water, grandma’s bible and pray you don’t die of yellow fever on the way? Okay, so maybe not so much like the Oregon Trail. Today’s ponies look like gas bingeing Uhauls and Grandma’s Bible is now huge sofas and bedroom sets. How do you get it all to the new house without a prescription for Xanax? With tips from La Irvina that’s how! Read on nomads!

1. Less = No stress!

So you are planning on buying a new bedroom set and replacing the sofa nicknamed “party foul central.” Why would you move stuff you are planning to replace anyway? Cancel the truck and hop on the internet to purchase an entire bedroom set and sofa that can be delivered to your new home. The best part is you won’t have to pay for the shipping or labor to move it. You’ll save the time of replacing the set later and you’ll have a fresh start in your new home. Most online furniture retailers like are very accommodating to your schedule. They can arrange to have the items delivered on your move in date.

  1. Trash is a great stash!

Use white trash bags instead of boxes for clothing, linens and towels. Use a black permanent marker to label them. Their cheaper than boxes and you can lean against them while you tell that one story about how when you were a kid, you hid in box and got sent to New Hampshire on a UHaul.

  1. Who is your 2 a.m. crew?

If you were in jail or stranded at 2 a.m. who would you call? Who would come and bail you out? Chances are those same people are the people who will help you move your dining room set with a smile. Be sure to thank your loyal friends with rounds of coffee, beer and sandwiches. But, if you’re better at giving than receiving then purchase new furniture than can be delivered to the new house from

  1. Front seat Fragile!

Since when did the word “fragile” translate to “play soccer with this box. It’s fun!” Not so much! If you have heirloom pieces like china, crystal or priceless Disney movies on VHS than you better put them in the front seat of your car. Be sure to keep a towel over them so vandals aren’t tempted to make “The Lion King” a shrine in their living room.

  1. Online Oasis

The opposite of moving would be relaxing? And you know what you can! This is the 21st century after all. What used to take a day of arranging, movers, trucks, boxes and furniture can now take 30 minutes tops online. Arrange for all the necessities of moving online with Arrange for new furniture to be delivered to your home with Since your such a genius for getting it done so fast you deserve a “Movish” backrub. Tell your missus a “Movish” back rub is a rub that leaves you free of kinks and is smooth all the way through.

  1. Designing sound dumbfounding? La Irvina is here for the unwinding!

Are you moving into a custom home with so many rooms you don’t where to start? Or are you moving to your first starter home with bizarre cabinets that are 2 ft by 2 inches? No matter what the scenario ask La Irvina of for tips on everything for decorating kid’s rooms to how pick a fabric for your sectional sofa.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bedroom sets by the Signs...


Christopher Columbus’s blood runs through the veins of an Aries. Act NOW or forever be bored to your knees! An Aries is always on the edge of greatness. Their exploration is carried through to their shopping for bedroom sets. An Aries wants to try it all. A Contemporary Bedroom Set with new fangled style is exciting for an Aries. Life is much too exciting for sleep making a Queen Bedroom Set sufficient for just enough shut eye to refuel. An Aries enjoys being on the brink of new ideas. Making a chic and Modern Bedroom Set the ideal for their bedroom. The perfect scenario would be finding a bedroom set online at a store like That way they can shop and purchase within an hour and get back to planning that safari in Africa.


The Lion, the fearless leader in the jungle of life. Well suiting a Leo requires a King Bedroom Set for peaceful slumber away from the antics of leading. Leo’s have great expectations for themselves in all areas. A Solid wood bedroom set and a Quality bedroom set is well suiting for the Leo. New styles are scrutinized by a discerning leader. Likely a Leo will try out a Modern bedroom set for size. However if it doesn’t possess the attributes of quality wood and design than it will be exiled from the kingdom. .


Notorious for being the most perfect sign of them all. No seriously, Sagittarians are confident in their own definition of style. Open minded and intellectually curious a Sagittarian will want to know the history of a bedroom set. What kind of wood is this? Really? Where is that tree grown? What kind of air can you get jumping on the bed? It is a certified, jumping-safe bed right? Silly to you. Serious to a Sagittarian. A Sagittarian will prefer a dark wood bedroom set. Stylish by their own classic taste a Sagittarian has no need to keep up, making a classic bedroom set a grand possibility. Something that tells a story might speak to them. A distressed wood bedroom set might allow a Sagittarian to relish in the idea of a bed with a tale to tell.


Some of the most fascinating people in the world are Taurus’s. Warm and sensual beings that have a great appreciation for the fine things in life. When it comes to selecting a beautiful bedroom set beauty is the main factor. Elaborate designs and fine woods will stand out amongst the most scrutinizing eyes of the Taurus. The Taurus is the most likely to purchase a California King Bed, since life is too short to have anything less than the best. Mahogany bedroom sets, Canopy beds and solid wood bedroom sets with detailed design will be the most favored for a Taurus. The passionately strong willed and affectionate Taurus needs the same characteristics in a bedroom set that they possess in themselves.


Mother Earth is preserved by her Virgo children. A Virgo is practical and intelligent. Methodical and truly one with nature. Born out of realism with a tight grip on the importance of their environment. When it comes to bedroom sets they are prone to gravitate toward a clean and pure wood. A pine wood bedroom set or airy light wood bedroom set will look like a serene haven to a Virgo. A Virgo is a pure in all facets of life. Their modesty is seen in the transitional bedroom sets that they choose. It’s not about the flash or the prestige of what they have. It is the practicality and purity that it offers. Natural fibers are key to a Virgo. Wood bedroom sets are the optimal choice.


A stand out amongst the mass of flesh. A Capricorn does not go along with the crowd. They enjoy being an outsider and relish in their style. A Capricorn can be found purchasing the bedroom set with flare. A Cast Iron Bed exudes the strength of a Capricorn. Its reliability is seen in the beds stature. A disciplined and hard working Capricorn will feel the need to splurge on a Queen bed, for optimal rest from their exhausting work schedule. A-typically not following the crowd a Capricorn might even purchase California King Bedroom set just for their own shock value.


Everybody loves a Gemini. The witty and adaptable people we all cherish. Their cheery disposition is well accompanied by a “Cherry” bedroom set. Capricorns are upbeat and proud to be the main stream for communication. Their homes are inviting and soothing. One might find a Shabby chic Bedroom set, in a Gemini’s room. Bright and energizing bedroom sets are the keys to their hearts.


The chameleons. Young, old, outgoing or shy, a Libra makes everyone feel at home with them. The same with bedroom sets. Any bedroom set goes with a Libra. Let it be a Cherry Bedroom set or a light wood bedroom set. For a Libra a trundle bed is just as suiting as a grandiose King Bedroom set. The most important feature to a Libra is the comfort that the bedroom provides.


Always ahead of their time. An Aquarius is always sailing in the opposite direction of the crowd. Yet, it never bothers the Aquarius. They are comfortable being the eccentric. An Aquarius is likely to mix a contemporary bedroom set with classic bedroom accents. Original in their selection you never know what side of the bed their on. One day they could want a Cherry Bedroom set while the next day their thinking a natural wood bedroom set with a gloss finish. Watch the Aquarius to set the trends.


Fire works in a bottle. Scorpios have distinct and intense personalities. They shock people by their black and white mentality. Like wise their bedroom set selections differ distinctly from others. If a Scorpio likes a Modern Bedroom set then you are most likely to see their entire home in the lime greens and blacks. If they prefer a dark bedroom set you’ll see dark woods through out the home. Scorpios are likely to keep their tastes in bedroom sets for a life time. They know what they like and changing them is like changing black to white.


The fearless protectors. Cancerians are sensitive with an urge to protect the people around them. If sharing a bed a Cancerian will care about it’s durability in an earthquake. A solid wood bedroom set with its durability and stature will have great appeal to a Cancer. They want to feel the people around them have the best possible care. A Cancer prefers a King Bedroom Set over a Queen Bedroom Set. They will always choose the route that offers most comfort.


AKA Shakespeare in the flesh. The Pisces are the sensitive romantics amongst us. A Pisces is empathetic and compassionate. Like the Virgo the status of their environment weighs heavily on their heart. All facets of their life have importance and meaning. Purchasing a bedroom set requires a thoughtful and artistic eye that comes easily to the Pisces. A discriminating Pisces will find Solid wood beds and Classic bedroom sets pleasing to their pallets. Beds with exotic woods and artistic details are treasures worth the cost to a Pisces. As a leader of many movements the Pisces finds shopping online to be the most desirable way to shop. Their favorite place to shop for aesthetically pleasing furniture is the most comfortable place to shop for romantic bedroom sets.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A guide to finding a bedroom set in the jungle of options....

Are you like me? Have you ever been searching for that one CD and just can’t remember who it’s by? You end up going up to a clerk and start singing the lyrics. Unfortunately this strategy only works at Best Buy. The most effective way to shop would be to know what you're looking for before you go. When shopping for bedroom sets make sure you know your woods, veneers and designs before you go swiping your card around. A bedroom set is a pricey purchase. The more you know about the products the more prone a salesperson will be to give you the best assistance in finding exactly what you want.

A Cherry Bedroom Set vs. A Mahogany Bedroom set-

As different as cherry pie is from strawberry, a cherry bedroom set is a few sweet degrees to the left of mahogany. A cherry bedroom set is a regal choice. Sophisticated with a rich vibrant flare. If you're looking for character in a room a cherry bedroom set will supply you with years of good company. Not to be confused with Mahogany wood sets (which also have red under tones.) Mahogany woods stand on the burgundy side of the reds. A deep rich color that is sophisticated. As well, Cherry woods are carefully stained woods. Unlike Mahogany which has a natural red tone.

A King vs. California King-

Personally I think this was an underground deal made between the sheet factory and the mattress factory. The sheet factory is making a killing while they sell double the sheets to people buying for the wrong size mattress. For now lets ignore my conspiracy theory, here’s the real scoop. The California King mattress is 4 inches longer than a Standard King Mattress. A Standard King Mattress is 4 inches wider. Depending on your preference of foot room vs. elbow room you can make your decision. Also, make sure your sales representative is aware of the size of your mattress when you go to purchase a bedroom set.

Canopy beds vs. Bed Posts-

One of the easiest ways to be confused. Both of these beds have 4 large posts rising up out of the four corners of the bed. However, a canopy bed has railings with the capability to hang fabrics and curtains to the bed. A Canopy bed is great for a room with vaulted ceilings or plenty of space. A bed with bed posts is decorative in the wood that stands alone. No railings connect the posts.

Head boards-

The piece of wood that stands above where you rest your head. Depending on the style of the bed you're going for a head board might be inter-changeable. Again, a bigger head board is great for a bigger room. There is the ability to keep the head board sophisticated and simple or grand with etched wood and appliqués.

Dark Wood Bedroom set-

Consider a dark wood bedroom set to be like the color black. Versatile, classy, timeless. Stained to a rich, dark perfection. Dark wood bedroom sets are not the stuffy, old-English wood it has been associated with. Dark woods are making a comeback. Remember, brunette is the new blond? Try a dark wood bedroom set in a brightly painted room for great contrast.

Contemporary Bedroom set-

If Contemporary Bedroom Sets were a city, they would be Miami Beach. Sophisticated, sexy, and cutting edge. Strong lines, steel embellishments and vibrant colors encompass these bedroom structures. Made for the sophisticated and chicest of consumers

Classic Bedroom sets-

Bare wood never looked so good. Subtle curves and natural woods in classic shapes. A classic bedroom set is always in style. Gorgeous woods that shine in the afternoon sun and last from generation to generation. A classic bedroom set is suited for a home that is unpretentious and naturally confident.

Pine/blond wood bedroom sets-

They don't call them “blond bombshells” for nothing. There is something about a light wood bedroom set that is inviting. Bright, radiant and fresh. Lighter woods give off a refreshing and relaxed feel. Great if you live near the beach or love the beach look. Most light wood bedroom sets are natural and unstained. Look for a solid wood bedroom set or birch wood bedroom set.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Decorating with Man's Best Friend

Dog-gone great tips by

Irvina Ali Kanarek

Produced by

Man’s best friend. Sofas best foe. Can the beasts of the land really cohabitate with the fine living spaces of a home? Sit with assurance and roll down the page to find the tricks of the trade when it comes to owning a pet in a designer home. After reading these tips you will howl with delight!

Purrrrrrrrrrfect Leather-

Nothing like coming home to sit on your favorite sofa full of cat hair! Your Armani suit has enough pin stripes, there is no need for anymore white lines of cat fur. Trade in your fabric sofa for a leather sofa . Keep your living room furniture in lavish good taste without the animal hair.

Mutt-iculously clean floors-

Rocket science will never look so easy after you try to potty train your pooch. This task will cause you enough gray hairs. Don’t let carpet cleaning be an added frustration. Wood floors are an essential to a home with an indoor pooch. Besides, now that you have invested in beautiful leather sofas wood floors are going to compliment them even more.

Fur Fur Away-

Animals have it rough. Just when they get comfortable on the clean laundry, the mail and your photos you swat them away. Where’s a tired Calico to go? Send her on a voyage to the Basket Bahamas. The Basket Bahamas, where it’s dark and warm away from the storm. How to: Take a deep basket, turn it on its side and throw in a blanket. Most likely you will have just created a feline hot spot. “Fur-fur away” from your projects in “To do town”

Puppy love-

Chances are when you first brought your pooch home you gave him baths constantly, pedigree food and all the TLC a puppy could get. Somewhere from there your pooch gets a bath once a month and your home has a pungent odor. Bathing and brushing your pooch weekly will improve the fragrance of your home and the quality of your couches.

If you have chenille couches or sectionals this is even more vital. Due to the fabrics absorption.

Dog-gone good taste-

It’s common knowledge that your cooking is so good that all walks of life beg on all fours in request. However, your dining room table might encounter a beating with all the paw traffic nearby. Be sure to polish up the feet of your dining room table. While you preheat the oven make sure you keep the legs of your dining set in shape. The constant run in with paws and hair can leave the feet prints and Panting for a morsel of creation. of Dining room sets

Treat your feet-

Now that you have arranged your new leather sofa, installed wood floors, bathed your pooch, created a getaway for your feline and polished your dining room table you deserve a rest. Sleep well in a new bedroom set. Cherry Wood bedroom sets, classic bedroom sets, King to Twin….. As many breeds of dogs under the sun there is the variety of sofas at .

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Footballl Fan Friendly Furniture

Lets get ready to rumble!!!! Chug some beer, break out the famous chili and host Sunday Night football! Of course your place is “the place” to be because you have the most comfortable sofa set ever. Time out! Do you have “the most comfortable sofa set ever?” Is it even presentable to have a party? Did you say it is covered in baby spit up and remains of last years party fouls? Don't worry coach, this is no time to throw in the towel. In no time you will have a stellar sofa ready to entertain guests and cheer on your team. Besides your situation is special. YOU really need sofa cushions that are durable enough to handle the parade that is going to tromp through the house when your team steals the Super Bowl. Here is the secret to finding great “Football Fan Friendly Furniture”

Hot tickets!
Every seat is the best seat in the house with the Westwood Sectional. A sofa, love seat and chaise lounge all attach for optimum team strategy huddles. Custom made. You choose the upholstery colors! USC colors sound good? Just tell your wife, “You wear red lipstick. You insist I buy you gold jewelry. I thought you would love it.”
Defense, hold tight!
So you get “a little” into the game. If a touchdown has you jumping on your seat cushions like a 5 year old and agreeing to buy your wife a new car then you better visit Nothing stands the rumbles of a living room like a leather sofa. offers a variety of classic and strong leather sofas that will take you from football season to basketball season. Without any major fumbles to remember on the cushions.

Football isn't just a sport to you, it's about community. Two forces challenging each others optimum mental and physical performance. Well, you might get hungry while you develop your community into a“new nation.” Refuel! Snacks won't feed a community. Do it right, buffet style! Purchase a new pine dining room set that will make an outstanding buffet table. Feast on a meal while you explain to your neighbor how football is contributing to world peace.

Touch-a-down Sofa!
A comfortable seat is what scores with you right? Take a look at this play... a good looking sofa intercepted with the down comforter in your bedroom. You will be running with a plush sofa set that you just might never leave. Visit and ask for the Westwood Sectional with down covering.

Home Team advantage-
Behind every winning party is a winning hostess. Your wifes cooking and humor have to be the best thing that has happened to Sunday Football since the recliner. Thank her for all of the cherry pies with a Cherry wood bedroom set. A rested hostess, is a happy hostess.

Football season only happens once a year. Don't be afraid to go big with dining sets for 12 and sectional sofas. Visit for all your home entertaining needs. Let the betting and winning begin. Fight on!

Footballl Fan Friendly Furniture

Lets get ready to rumble!!!! Chug some beer, break out the famous chili and host Sunday Night football! Of course your place is “the place” to be because you have the most comfortable sofa set ever. Time out! Do you have “the most comfortable sofa set ever?” Is it even presentable to have a party? Did you say it is covered in baby spit up and remains of last years party fouls? Don't worry coach, this is no time to throw in the towel. In no time you will have a stellar sofa ready to entertain guests and cheer on your team. Besides your situation is special. YOU really need sofa cushions that are durable enough to handle the parade that is going to tromp through the house when your team steals the Super Bowl. Here is the secret to finding great “Football Fan Friendly Furniture”

Hot tickets!
Every seat is the best seat in the house with the Westwood Sectional. A sofa, love seat and chaise lounge all attach for optimum team strategy huddles. Custom made. You choose the upholstery colors! USC colors sound good? Just tell your wife, “You wear red lipstick. You insist I buy you gold jewelry. I thought you would love it.”
Defense, hold tight!
So you get “a little” into the game. If a touchdown has you jumping on your seat cushions like a 5 year old and agreeing to buy your wife a new car then you better visit Nothing stands the rumbles of a living room like a leather sofa. offers a variety of classic and strong leather sofas that will take you from football season to basketball season. Without any major fumbles to remember on the cushions.

Football isn't just a sport to you, it's about community. Two forces challenging each others optimum mental and physical performance. Well, you might get hungry while you develop your community into a“new nation.” Refuel! Snacks won't feed a community. Do it right, buffet style! Purchase a new pine dining room set that will make an outstanding buffet table. Feast on a meal while you explain to your neighbor how football is contributing to world peace.

Touch-a-down Sofa!
A comfortable seat is what scores with you right? Take a look at this play... a good looking sofa intercepted with the down comforter in your bedroom. You will be running with a plush sofa set that you just might never leave. Visit and ask for the Westwood Sectional with down covering.

Home Team advantage-
Behind every winning party is a winning hostess. Your wifes cooking and humor have to be the best thing that has happened to Sunday Football since the recliner. Thank her for all of the cherry pies with a Cherry wood bedroom set. A rested hostess, is a happy hostess.

Football season only happens once a year. Don't be afraid to go big with dining sets for 12 and sectional sofas. Visit for all your home entertaining needs. Let the betting and winning begin. Fight on!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Decorating to Sell: Tips for selling a home quickly

Decorating for Selling: Tips for selling a home quickly!

By: Irvina Kanarek, produced by

“Sold” also known as “joy.”. “It’s not what we’re looking for” also known as “a punch in the gut.” What is it that makes a browser cross over into a purchaser? It’s the place where the buyer identifies with the home. One of the most missed marks of selling a home is in the interior. The interior design allows the browser to see themselves enjoying their purchase. As well as solidifying the price tag that goes with the home. Many sellers forget that they are not only selling a home, but an idea. The idea being that the home will bring joy to a family for over 30 years. It’s hard to imagine joy while staring at four bare walls. Americans are bombarded with over 3000 images a day that beg for their attention. What will make them remember the home you're selling as the most impressive image of the day?

Take the leap and decorate the jewel you’re selling to really shine. The cost of interior decorating may run a $6000 to $8000 price tag. However it's proven that a home that is generously decorated can carry as much as a $100,000 difference in profit. Some sellers are savvy enough to list a “As is” prices. Including the furniture in the sale.

The most affordable way to decorate is on line. On line furniture retailers like sell their furniture in sets. A fast and affordable way to shop and decorate. Beautiful furniture and your honest selling appeal will have your house fly off the market. Here are some of my most successful and affordable home selling techniques.

  • The customer is always in sight-

What kind of customer are you expecting? Young and contemporary or classy and refined? You will want to decorate the home with furniture that is fitting to the customer. If you’re thinking of a traditional cape cod then work with simple woods and colors. Select a pine dining room set and a plush sofa set.

  • The light way-

Light initiates the release of serotonin and neurotransmitters. Put your visitors in the feel good mood by having plenty of light in the home. Turn on every light and raise every blind. It may sound odd to turn lights on during the day, but it will be a noticeable difference from other homes. Be sure to purchase plenty of lamps with differences in mood lighting. Living rooms and dinging rooms should have soft lighting. Tall free standing lamps are best in bedrooms and offices. Visit for a variety of selections.

  • Bigger is a seller-

A grand home deserves equally grand furnishings. Cherry wood dining room sets, classic bedroom sets and leather chairs remind the buyer that this is a privileged purchase. Furniture should hold it's own weight in the mass of a 3000 to 4000 square foot home. Don't be afraid to go big with dining sets for 12 and sectional sofas. A buyer investing in a 4000 square foot home is going to need an added initiative to write that check.

  • Breezy dreams- This is after all the house of their dreams. Remind the buyer of the climate. Open up all the windows in the home to invite in the ocean air and the inviting aroma of the rose bushes outside. Long drapes that flow in the wind add to the enchantment of any home.

  • Hot price- There is nothing that reminds you your home like sitting near the fireplace. Whether it's summer or winter have those fires going. Remind the buyer that every little part of the home is unique. If it's summer place smore fixings around the fire place. If it's winter place some hot tea nearby.

  • Appetizing appetizers- Keep coffee, tea and snacks available for shoppers to snack on. Most shoppers will feel more prone to stay longer if you give to them. In return they will give you their listening ear.

  • Secrets in the garden- A private piece of Mother Nature all to themselves? They can't pass up this home! Remind your buyer that this isn't a backyard it's sanctuary. Place a hammock, swing or fountain on the green. You're sure to see the newlywed couple yell “We'll take it” from the swing.

  • Music to my sale- There is a reason why you hear music blasting out of every store in the mall. It sets the mood. Do the same, but make sure you play very slow and rhythmic melodies. The slower the music the slower and longer the browsing.

  • Kid around- The shorter the customer, the harder the sale. A buyer who brings their child along to view a home is saying they like their child's company. As well, so should you. Lets keep them happy and the sales happening. Provide time invested games for children to do. Checker boards and jewelry making with beads are time consuming and quiet. Steer away from coloring books and crayons that may end up on the walls of the house.

  • Browse around- When decorating a home browse the Internet for images of picture perfect homes. One of my favorites is

Great ideas for designing entire rooms and they sell entire furniture sets exclusively.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Decorating with Little Rascals

Decorating with little rascals:

Brought to you by: Irvina-lalina & Furniture From Home

We were not impressed when we heard an interior decorators opinion on decorating a home with children. My sister and I looked at each other coyly as she explained, “You will want to go with cheap upholstery and washable drapes. Just replace it all when they get older.” Basically kids are heathens and you have to suffer the consequences. Heck no! Raised in a family of five kids my mom did more than her share of keeping things beautiful and safe. These are my favorite kid friendly decorating tips:

  • Kin-spiration! Add a rocking horse or miniature rocking chair to the living room. The cute part is when it’s made of the same type of wood used in your living room. Guests will admire your hospitality to even the smallest visitors. Check e-bay for great deals.

  • Bear hugs and rugs: Our mom had this amazing animal skin rug as an accent piece in our living room. It was my favorite place to nap. Intelligently it was a dark animal skin. Try using dark area rugs to camouflage any cookie crumbs that might tag along from the kitchen.

  • Mommy, does this match? Some things just aren’t right together. One is swim trunks and a wool sweater. The other is a glass table and a toddler. Save yourself a trip to the ER. Try going for round wood coffee tables. If you really want glass, go for a table with an embedded glass top. Look for an assortment of beautiful coffee tables at

  • Book buddies: Little ones learn by example. If you have a bookshelf full of your favorites so should the kids. Combine the family library into one entire den room bookshelf. Except reserve the bottom three shelves strictly for the kids. This way the kids will feel their super smart readers just like you. It will also distract little hands from your collector’s edition of Moby Dick.

  • Precious, Precious: Playful hearts were made to play. Spare the Waterford and Lladro pieces and you spare the distraught tears of folly. Move the fine collectables to the study or the master bedroom until the kids are about eleven. Display them in Beautiful bedroom sets pieces. Available online.

  • Face-tastic! Your child is your most priceless commodity. So decorate immensely with their pictures. If a frame gets bumped by a flying airplane, oh well. Replace the glass. It’s inexpensive and always buys you some hostess time while visitors admire your growing family.

  • Out dated and over rated: I’m talking about T.V. Now hear me out here. Kids can still be entertained without giant foam characters and sarcastic humor. Add some wooden chess boards, a backgammon board, Chinese checkers or scrabble to the family room. The kids will play with each other more and speak less sarcasm at the dinner table.

Well those are my tips for today. If you would like more furniture tips check out my blog at Happy decorating and child raising.